Please Support Hornet Debate!
The Sacramento State debate team is an "Instructionally Related Activity" and as such, we are fortunate to have institutional support for our tournament travel. We are always appreciative of the ways in which we are supported by our department, college, the University, and ASI. However, like many teams across the nation, our resources are limited and we often find ourselves having to make difficult choices about providing opportunities to students based on available funding. We would LOVE to be able to send every student on the team to every tournament, throughout the season. Unfortunately, we are seeing the cost of basic things, like team dinners, hotel rooms, gas, plane tickets, etc...all going up. In particular, this season we have qualified more students for the national championship tournament than we have in a long time - we would really like to be able to take everyone who has qualified to NFA this year, but we are going to need your help! Please consider making a donation directly to our team! Every gift helps!